Excavations are now underway!

The grid has been reestablished and our excavation units have been set in. We will be investigating the possible friars residence in the convento are as well as getting a look at the interior of the church.

people shoveling dirt into wheelbarrow
Removing the topsoil and overburden.
people shoveling dirt into wheelbarrow
Removing the topsoil and overburden.

The excavation unit seen below will give us a look, at the interior of the church. Previous excavations discovered a central wall bisecting the church. The wall was put in some time after the initial construction of the church. This unit will give us a look at both sides of the wall and the activities that we’re going on inside the church.

dig site
Excavation unit in the church area. The areas of light colored sand are where excavations took place in 2014. A pvc pipe from the mission grounds sprinkler system can also be seen.

And just as a teaser for what’s to come, some of the artifacts we recovered today from the convento!

ceramic sherds
Artifacts recovered on Day 2 from the convento excavation area.