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Studying the sexual dynamics of functional colors in butterflies

Presented by: Vince Ficarrotta, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, USA

Abstract: Sexual dimorphism and subsequently sexually selective forces have been existent for much of the duration of the tree of life, contributing to the diversity found within and between species. Advances in sequencing and genetic approaches have led to many breakthroughs that revealed details of the genotype-to-phenotype processes. These details include which genes are necessary for the development of male sexual traits used during courtship and also gives insight into potential genomic processes shaping macroevolutionary patterns contingent on sexual traits. Here, I expand on my work within pierid butterflies where the courtship ritual includes the flashing of iridescent ultraviolet wing patterns, and I conclude with a tour through functional coloration (eg, warning coloration, camouflage, sexual color displays) in communications systems where both sexes must coevolve along their respective roles of sending and/or receiving signals.

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Vince Ficarrotta and Colias

Thomas C. Emmel Seminar Series presents: Expanding Horizons in Lepidoptera Research

Continuing from Fall 2020, the McGuire Center is hosting this webinar series as an opportunity for both early career researchers as well as established leaders in the field to present their work. We hope that you will join us to hear about current advances in many diverse fields of Lepidoptera research.