What’s going on? 

  • Acting as a guidebook for farmers, Agricultural Best Management Practices (BMPs) are farm-specific, feasible practices that are recommended to farmers accounting for economic, environmental and public health impacts. 
  • BMPs tend to cover four major areas: nutrient management, pest management, water management, and sediment management. Careful monitoring and management of resources in these areas can help reduce the pollution of our natural resources. 

Why it matters. 

  • When too much fertilizer and other pesticides are used, the excess can runoff into Florida’s waterways. Nutrient pollution from sources like agriculture and leaky septic systems is an increasing problem in Florida’s waterways.  When nutrients such as phosphorous and nitrogen make their way into Florida waterways, they can cause issues such as fish kills, dead zones, and algae blooms.  
  • When BMPs are followed correctly, they can help reduce the amount of nutrients, sediments, and pesticides that enter our waterways. 

What you can do.