Working at TESI has allowed me to work with wonderful people and learn so much more about environmental communication! Creating my own content for the Know Your Florida and TESI social media channels also exposed me to a completely new side of the state. As a lifelong Floridian, that’s pretty telling.

Some of our other central assignments were assisting with special projects and tabling events, promoting events and programs on the TESI Twitter and Facebook pages, and finding and synthesizing the most important environmental news stories of the month for Earth to Florida, TESI’s environmental newsletter.

Some larger projects we had were creating multimedia feature stories and videos! These are originally reported stories that highlight a current, yet evergreen, environmental topic. One of my favorite communication products I created is definitely my feature story on wildlife crossings in Florida. Not only did I get an inside look into these crucial structures and their impact on the state, but I also learned journalism and reporting skills!

wildlife crossing screenshot

Read the story here!

I also really loved creating Tell Me About and Action of the Week posts for the TESI Instagram and website. Some of my favorite informational posts were about living shorelinessea turtle nesting seasonmigratory birds, and threats to mangroves.

butterfly   1   6   coral ardisia   crops   wtw

Science communication is a wonderful medium to link people to the world around them, no matter what that looks like. The content I helped produce highlights how all individuals can connect with nature, even in urban ecosystems and built environments.

Every day offered new opportunities and fun facts to learn and share with a broad audience. I improved my skills in editing, grammar, professional correspondence, and graphic design.

The TESI staff have been incredibly supportive throughout my time in the office, from upping my journalism skills to helping with my resume. It is a great work environment where every communicator is encouraged to use their unique experiences and interests to create great content.

It has been a very rewarding experience to break down complex scientific topics and ideas for Floridians and beyond! In the future, I hope to gain more experience in fieldwork and continue improving my science communication skills in marine and coastal communities!