Preparing for a major storm can be stressful. News outlets and government agencies release hurricane-supply checklists to help you weather the storm. But how can you minimize waste while making sure you are ready for a hurricane?

Here are some tips to help you prep with the planet in mind:

Infographic showing tips for planet-friendly hurricane preparation

  • Water: Use containers you already have or buy large capacity plastic jugs of water.
  • Food: Buy nonperishable food you will actually eat, even after the storm season has passed.
  • Personal Hygiene: If evacuating to a hotel, bring your own toiletries to avoid using the provided small plastic bottles.
  • Kitchen: If you lose access to water and are unable to wash dishes, choose disposable dishware that is compostable.
  • Flood Prep: Identify areas at risk of flooding and do your best to remove personal possessions. Flood-damaged items often end up in landfills.
  • Protecting Furniture & Appliances: When covering furniture or other belongings, consider using items you already own, like shower curtains or plastic-lined tablecloths. If you need more, invest in a quality tarp that you can reuse each year.
  • Powering Up: Consider solar powered devices to help you during a power outage. Solar phone chargers, lanterns, and even generators are available. These can help reduce the amount of disposable batteries you use and eliminate the need for potentially dangerous gasoline.

Stay safe this hurricane season!


Information from UF IFAS and the NOAA.