Wait – where’s that typical Florida heat? Is that a chilly breeze?  

Winter in Florida, although usually mild, can cause changes in energy consumption and demand. While the changing weather may just be seen as a brief, welcome relief from the heat of summertime, winter provides a great opportunity to review your energy expenditures and make changes that could save you money on your power bill as well as help reduce carbon emissions.  

Small Changes Add Up 

When making your home or place of business more energy efficient, starting small can make a big difference. Unplug appliances like coffee makers, lamps, or toasters when you aren’t using them to prevent unnecessary energy loss. A helpful tip is to use power strips you can plug and unplug multiple items into at once! 

Stay Comfortable Efficiently 

Another easy way to save on your electricity bill and decrease your energy usage include is to adjust ceiling fans. While typically used to stay cool in the heat, ceiling fans can also help you keep warm. Reverse the motor in the ceiling fan so it rotates at a slow speed clockwise. This creates an updraft, forcing warm air near the ceiling into the rest of the room, allowing you to adjust your thermostat to a more even temperature.  

Home Repairs Can Save Energy 

Make sure to change your central heating filters regularly as well as repair broken windows to prevent pollen and dust from blocking airflow, and heat from creeping out of cracks in the window. Regular home maintenance can keep your house feeling fresh and help you save on energy costs! 

Small changes can add up when it comes to saving energy. Energy demands can change with the seasons, causing increased usage based on hotter or colder temperatures. Adjusting your ceiling fan to move heat, repairing windows, changing central heating filters, and balancing your thermostat are all changes you can make to keep your home more energy efficient this winter. Even making sure to unplug your appliances can help to minimize your energy bill and carbon footprint. 

Information from the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Energy, greenlivingtoolkit.org, Natural Resources Defense Council, and Cornell University.