This unique Scientist in Every Florida School workshop, “Research Experience for Florida High School Teachers in Plant Pathology” provided K-12 teachers with enriching hands-on experience in the cutting-edge science happening in the field of molecular and plant pathology. During the weeklong PD, participating teachers worked side-by-side with the Song Lab to develop lesson plans that help students better understand issues surrounding agriculture and food security.
As climate change brings warmer temperatures, scientists say we can expect an increase in the intensity of diseases facing crops. And, with an ever-growing and hungry population, our crops will need to rise to this challenge. As scientists find ways to grow more resilient crops, their findings also lead to drug development for humans as well.
Wen-Yuan Song, an assistant professor in the department of plant pathology at UF and the project’s principal investigator, says he hopes that exposing the next generation of scientists to his research will show them that it has real-world benefits.
“I’m excited to show our educators that the information gained from this research may contribute to both crop improvement and rational drug design for human diseases,” Song said. “My hope is the teachers bring this information back to their classrooms and inspire students to consider careers in plant pathology.”
A cohort of six Florida high school teachers were selected, with a preference given to those who teach at schools that receive Title I funds.
This is the third PD in a series of four annual workshops, funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation. Stay tuned for application information for our 2025-2026 workshop. Learn more about previous cohorts at the following link: Research Experience for Florida High School Teachers in Plant Pathology.
2024-2025 Cohort
Workshop Benefits:
Participants will leave the PD with:
- Authentic scientific research experience
- Access to a teacher-scientist network related to the project for continued scientific support
- A chance to collaborate with peers and co-develop practical lessons for the classroom
- A chance to expose students to scientist role models and careers in science
- Chance to have a scientist visit your classroom
- A $1,000 stipend for successful completion of the program
Workshop Components:
- Presentations and seminars
- Lab time
- Teacher-teacher and teacher-scientist collaboration
- Lesson development
- Area field trips
Workshop Expectations:
To receive the $1,000 stipend, participants must:
- Attend the entire PD and all required sessions
- Schedule a visit with a scientist to their classroom during the 2024-2025 school year.
- Following standard policies and procedures, participate in and complete any evaluations, assessments, and surveys required as part of the program.
- Dr. Wenyuan Song Lab (UF/IFAS)
- Stephanie Killingsworth, Scientist in Every Florida School