Why go zero-waste?

Only 9% of plastic waste is actually recycled, and an average American will send 4.4 lbs of trash to the landfill every day. Leakage from landfills can end up in our water supplies. To go zero-waste means to send nothing (or little) to the landfill.

Sink swaps

Several products around your sink probably create unnecessary waste. Consider switching from liquid dish soap housed in plastic, to bar soap with minimal packaging. Wooden dish brushes also last much longer than sponges do, and you can even compost them when they get old!


There are many ways to reduce single-use plastics in our kitchens. If you enjoy using a straw, consider buying a reusable one that you can take with you anywhere! Similarly, reusable water bottles are a much more sustainable option than plastic ones. Other reusable items that you can implement in your kitchen include: reusable beeswax paper instead of plastic wrap, reusable coffee filters (or K-Cup® pods!), reusable paper towels, and reusable grocery bags! There are many options for reducing single-use plastics.


To store food, opt for glass mason jars or silicone storage bags! Mason jars are perfect for storing leftovers or bulk-bought goods. Silicone bags are also great for on-the-go snacks! Finally, glass spray bottles are wonderful for DIY cleaning solutions, or for keeping houseplants happy.

Saving food

To ensure your food lasts as long as possible, freeze any excess food you don’t plan on eating soon. This will save you money, make the most out of your groceries, and also reduce your number of grocery trips!


Composting is a great way to reduce landfill waste! According to the EPA, composting at home lowers your carbon footprint and reduces methane emissions from landfills. If you want to begin composting at home, visit the EPA’s website to learn how to get started!

What steps will you take to create a zero-waste kitchen?

Information from the Environmental Protection Agency, Going Zero Waste, Plastic Free July®, and The Good Trade.