From butterflies to birds, flowers to fruit, the constantly changing jungle of our Butterfly Rainforest put on a show this season. The warm autumn days are a great time to see both the butterflies and some of our other residents, like the little quail and finches.

The Grecian shoemaker butterfly, with its large orange spots, was easy to find enjoying the sun, while the eye-catching tree nymphs and zebra swallowtails enjoyed the flowers. Other favorites this fall were the red crackers and the blue spotted charaxes.

The flowers were also attracting attention with vivid red fire spikes, yellow Jamaican poinsettias, blue ginger flowers, and orange and green Mayan Palm fruit. Our exhibit keepers work hard to maintain a wide variety of plants for the exhibit residents and our visitors to enjoy.

Many thanks to Ingrith for sharing her daily photos with us.