Our exhibits building will be closing on March 24 for a large-scale expansion project. Learn More

Earth Day, Every Day!

Earth Day logoThis year the Florida Museum, in partnership with the University of Florida Thompson Earth Systems Institute, has declared the month of April, Earth Day, Every Day! We invite you to a full month of Earth Day activities and challenges. Each day we have a suggested activity or resource so you can further enjoy nature and live a greener Florida lifestyle.

This April, take up our Earth Day challenge. Do something everyday that will deepen your connection with the natural world and make a difference to the Earth we share.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead

April events

Don’t miss these special earth-friendly events this month:

Earth Day Playlist

Daily Challenges

April 1 | Living Greener

Start the month by reducing waste. Cook one zero waste meal. Website: FoodPrint.org guide.

April 2 | Happy Home Habitat

Plant native plants. They require less water, are hardier and are Florida friendly. Website: FloridaYards.org guide

The Museum’s Spring Online Plant Sale starts today!

April 3 | Let’s Go Outside

Take up a new fitness activity this weekend. “Plogging” combines jogging and picking up litter. Learn more: Wikipedia.org article.

April 4 | Living Greener

Save orangutan habitat by buying sweets and candy that use sustainably sourced palm oil. Read: OrangutanGang.org post.

April 5 | Living Greener

Meatless Mondays are the way to go! Take on the vegan meal challenge. Website: VeganEasy.org post.

April 6 | Let’s Go Outside

Have fun with citizen science apps like iNaturalist and eBird. Learn how to use iNaturalist with our herpetologist Dave Blackburn!

April 7 | Living Greener

Cut down on kitchen waste and make your own compost bin. Website: UF/IFAS Compost Bins.

April 8 | Let’s Go Outside

Birding is the hobby that goes everywhere! Learn more: AlachuaAudubon.org.

April 9 | Happy Home Habitat

Plants are important. Are you a responsible houseplant owner? Read: BBC article.

April 10 | Let’s Go Outside

Meet the neighborssssss. Learn to identify your friendly neighborhood snakes with our Florida Snake ID Guide!

April 11 | Living Greener

Think global, cook local. Create a meal using only local ingredients. Local farmers markets are a great option! Website: 441Market.com – Alachua County Farmer’s Market.

April 12 | Let’s Go Outside

Stay up and do some stargazing. New moon is a great time to see the stars. Check out Florida’s Dark Sky sites. Website: FloridaAstronomy map.

April 13 | Let’s Go Outside

Learn more about the fascinating world of fungus.  Sign up for our Zoom, Planet Protectors, Recycling Mavens: Mushrooms.

April 14 | Living Greener

Cleaner and greener with a Green Cleaning Guide. Learn more: CleanWaterAction.org guide.

April 15 | Happy Home Habitat

Improve your local neighborhood by building a birdhouse. Learn how: Audubon.org.

April 16 | Living Greener

Which saves more water – dishwashing by hand or machine? Read: Grist.com article.

April 17 | Living Greener

Take your bike to work today! Read up on tips and benefits in this ‘crash course’ on cycling to work. Website: Sustainable UF.

April 18 | Happy Home Habitat

Start an indoor herb garden! Website: UF/IFAS Gardening Solutions.

April 19 | Let’s Go Outside

Explore a local park. Check out our upcoming Museum in the Parks events or try a self-guided option.

April 20 | Living Greener

Collect rainwater for your home and garden. Learn more: UF/IFAS Rain Barrels.

April 21 | Happy Home Habitat

Enjoy indoor gardening by raising your own houseplants. Learn more: UF/IFAS Indoor Gardens.

April 22 | Living Greener

Celebrate Earth Day and inspired by speaker Audrey Peterman. Sign up for our Zoom, Exposure to Love to Action: Mobilizing Advocates for our Earth.

April 23 | Happy Home Habitat

Don’t let the little things bug you. It is time to embrace the bugs. Learn more: The Insect Effect.

April 24 | Let’s Go Outside

Looking for fun with your tots this weekend? Check out our Discovery Time videos for some ideas!

April 25 | Let’s Go Outside

Go hiking, biking or paddling in Florida! Find your outdoor adventure on VisitFlorida.com.

April 26 | Living Greener

Assess your carbon footprint and learn some easy ways to reduce it. Website: Sustainable UF.

April 27 | Let’s Go Outside

Explore our fabulous Florida springs. Sign up to Zoom with us for Florida Springs Film Series: Biodiversity.

April 28 | Let’s Go Outside

Get hoppy with some frogs! Learn to identify frogs with our Florida Frog Calls sound guide.

April 29 | Happy Home Habitat

Make your own aquaponics system. Learn more: UF/IFAS blog post.

April 30 | Let’s Go Outside

Use your new iNaturalist skills and contribute to the City Nature Challenge for Alachua County.