Polyploidy Integration and Innovation Institute

WHEN: July 13-15, 2025
LOCATION: The Biodiversity Institute at the University of Florida Main Campus, Gainesville, FL


See full application questionnaire

Attention Middle and High School Teachers!
Are you looking for an exciting professional development opportunity this summer? Join us for a special workshop on polyploidy, a fascinating topic that connects genetics, evolution, and ecology! Polyploidy (genome doubling) is common in many living things, including plants and animals. Understanding polyploidy helps with the creation of sustainable products like biofuels, food, and fiber. Polyploidy even plays an important role in human health! This year marks the first of four teacher cohorts.

Workshop Benefits:

Workshop Eligibility:

Participant Support:
Participants will receive a $400 stipend upon successful completion of the PD, evaluation, and scientist classroom visit. All teachers will be housed (single occupancy) at the Reitz Union Hotel, courtesy of the workshop.

(Funded by the National Science Foundation #2320251).

Application Process:
The application deadline to apply is April 15, 2025. Space is limited to 20 middle and high school teachers. All applicants will be notified of the status of their application (selected or not) by the end of April 2025.

Learn More:
Visit the PI3 program website to learn about components and benefits here: https://www.pi3biology.org/.
About PI3: https://www.floridamuseum.ufl.edu/science/new-grant-awarded-to-study-polyploidy/.


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