At a time when horses were all intermediate in size and structure, this browsing horse must have really stood out as a peculiar-looking creature because of its very long legs.

Descendents of this horse circled the globe. Kalobatippus apparently gave rise to the European Anchitherium and to the East Asian Sinohippus.

Poseidon Kalobatippus

Where & When?

Fossils of Kalobatippus are found at many Miocene localities in the western US. Species in this genus lived from 24-19 million years ago.

Why was it called the “stilt-walking horse”?

kalobatippus leg
Kalobatippus ankle bone illustration

Kalobatippus earned its descriptive name from its elongated metapodials, the bones between the ankle/wrist and the toes. Thus these bones gave the animal longer legs, in contrast to its close relatives (Anchitherium, Hypohippus, and Megahippus).

kalobatippus skull
Kalobatippus skull with jaw

The three-toed, short-toothed browsing anchitheres lived at the same time as many grass-eating (grazing) horses. In the late Miocene (about 10 million years ago), grazing horses diversified, but anchitheres became extinct.

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