person in wading overalls holding a large net and standing a waterAdania Flemming

Ph.D. student in UF Department of Biology

Twitter: @adanianscience

M.S., 2018, University of Florida
B.S., 2011, University of Tampa

UF Graduate School Fellowship

Adania’s research is at the intersection of science and education. She is using natural history collections as a resource to introduce and prepare undergraduate students for careers in science.

person kneeling next to a TortoisesMaría Camila Vallejo-Pareja

Ph.D. student in UF Department of Biology

M.S., 2018, Sam Houston State University
B.Sc., 2011, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá

UF Graduate School Fellowship
COLCIENCIAS Doctorados en el Exterior Scholarship, Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación, Colombia

María has a background in vertebrate paleontology and is co-advised with Jon Bloch at FLMNH. She is currently working on developing a better understanding of the frogs from the Oligocene of Florida.
