Hello Museum Colleagues,

The Office of Museum Technology announced back in September that is reaching out to Museum PC users to coordinate operating system (OS) upgrades to Windows 11 Enterprise for machines that support the OS. Thank you so much to those of you who have responded quickly and scheduled times with us to get your computers upgraded to Windows 11.

We are now a few months into the project and OMT has really fine-tuned the upgrade process. The typical upgrade only takes about 4 to 5 hours and the setup on computer return usually less than 30 minutes. This allows us to collect the computer in the morning and have it for you after lunch, or if you schedule around lunch time to start the next day with a fresh computer.

The Florida Museum started with 169 Windows 11 eligible computers. We are happy to report that 52, or approximately 30%, have been upgraded to Windows 11. We would not be this far so quickly without your willingness to upgrade and flexibility in fitting the upgrade into your schedules. For those of you yet to be contacted, Thank you in advance for the same willingness and flexibility.