New article out by CTL researchers on color identification in archaeology
New article out by CTL researchers on color identification in archaeology. Check out the press release here: Human eye beats … Continue
Talk Jan 26 by Dr. Judith Habicht-Mauche: Coalescence and the Spread of Glaze Painted Pottery in the Central Rio Grande
Coalescence and the Spread of Glaze Painted Pottery in the Central Rio Grande: The View from Tijeras Pueblo (LA 581), … Continue
Talk Dec. 18 by Dr. Andrea Torvinen: A Monte Carlo approach to estimating plausible ceramic similarity values from fabric characterizations
A Monte Carlo Approach to Estimating Plausible Ceramic Similarity Values from Fabric Characterizations December 18, 2020, 1:30PM EST Andrea … Continue
Talk Dec. 4 by Dr. Patricia Crown: Routes to Becoming a Potter in the US Southwest
Routes to Becoming a Potter in the US Southwest December 4, 2020, 1:30PM EST Patricia Crown Leslie Spier Distinguished Professor … Continue
Calcium in Pottery: The good, the bad, the ugly
Calcium is abundant, which means that people in the past figured out some great ways to use it as tools, … Continue
Fossils in the Archaeology?
“Archaeologists Don’t Dig Dinosaurs” is a well worn refrain, but occasionally we find that fossils were an important part of … Continue
Stump the Archaeologist
Archaeologists love the unknown. We are drawn to the challenge of using artifacts as clues to figure out how people … Continue
Clay Chronicles VIII
Trial by fire! As you may have gathered from earlier posts, I was anxious about the firing, because it is … Continue
Clay Chronicles VII
I’m running out of pottery making supplies at home, so am wrapping up my experiments for now. After making the … Continue
Clay Chronicles VI
For most of the pots I’ve made during these quarantimes, I’ve used clays more or less as they were. This … Continue