Dr. Lindsay Bloch is former collections manager for the Ceramic Technology Laboratory and Florida Archaeology at the Florida Museum of Natural History. Her research focuses on craft production, trade, and exchange in historic and prehistoric contexts, examined through the lens of utilitarian ceramics. She has conducted analyses on collections from the southeastern U.S., Great Britain, and the Caribbean using a variety of methods including LA-ICP-MS and XRF to discover new information about these often visually generic artifacts.

Mark C. Donop (PhD Anthropology 2017, UF, Gainesville) completed a dissertation focused on the long-lived Palmetto Mound (8LV2) in Levy County and has included a techno-functional analysis and 3D imaging of the pottery in the large and diverse Decatur Pittman Collection donated to the FLMNH in 1916. Donop’s work at the museum has been combined with fieldwork at the site and research at the South Florida Museum in Bradenton. (https://florida.academia.edu/MarkDonop). Mark was the recipient of the 2017 Bullen Award for student research at the Florida Museum. Mark is now a Senior Archaeologist and Laboratory Director for TerraXplorations, Inc. in Tuscaloosa, AL.

C. Trevor Duke (PhD Anthropology, 2022, UF, Gainesville) completed a dissertation focused on ceramic vessel form, function, and provenance of Deptford through Safety Harbor period pottery from Safford Mound (8Pi3), Pillsbury Mound (8Ma30), and other mound sites along the Florida Gulf Coast. His work with Dr. Neill Wallis seeks to assess the ways in which the expansion of religious traditions affected social, political, and ceremonial practices during the middle-to-late Woodland Period. Trevor is now a Principal Investigator with New South Associates.
Zack Gilmore (PhD Anthropology, 2014, UF, Gainesville), conducted petrographic analysis in the lab of fiber-tempered Orange pottery from the Silver Glen complex (Marion and Lake counties, Florida) and fired clay reference samples from across peninsular Florida for his dissertation project (http://rollins.academia.edu/ZackaryGilmore). From 2015 to 2016, Zack conducted additional petrographic analysis of Stallings fiber-tempered pottery and associated fired clays from the Savannah River Valley (Georgia and South Carolina) as part of an NSF-funded postdoctoral research project with the UF Department of Anthropology. Zack is currently an Associate Professor of Anthropology at Rollins College, Winter Park, FL.

Amanda Hall (PhD Anthropology, 2022, UF, Gainesville) completed PhD in Anthropology with a concentration in Southeastern archaeology here at UF under the tutelage of Dr. Charles Cobb. Her interests are Native American ceramics from the Mississippian, Protocontact, and Contact Periods. Her dissertation focused on the manufacture, function, and distribution of Lamar-like clay balls (or objects) associated with the Mission period that were excavated during the 1950s-1980s from various sites in the Florida panhandle and how they might have served as part of the Native American sociopolitical landscape. Amanda is now the collections manager of Florida Archaeology and Caribbean Archaeology here at the Florida Museum of Natural History.
Kristen Hall (BA Anthropology 2013, UF, Gainesville) wrote an undergraduate thesis here at UF (“Reexamining Suwannee Valley Pottery: a Typological and Formal Analysis of Pottery in Feature I at Parnell Mound”) focused on the analysis of Suwannee Valley ceramics. She is currently employed by the Gainesville Police Department.

Kirsten Harris is currently a third-year undergraduate student at the University of Florida pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Anthropology and Biology. She joined the CTL as a Spring 2024 intern focused on inventorying, photographing, and analyzing collections for an ongoing National Science Foundation funded archaeological project investigating the development of the Pensacola Culture (AD 1150-1700).
Erin Harris-Parks (BA/BA Anthropology and Geology 2012, UF, Gainesville), conducted petrographic analysis in the lab on Weeden Island pottery from the Palmetto Mound site (8LV2) for her Senior Honor’s Thesis. Erin went on to receive an MS degree in Geosciences from the University of Arizona in 2014 and is currently employed as an exploration geologist in the petroleum industry.
Emily Kracht (BA Anthropology, BS Chemistry, and minor in Mass Communications 2021, UF, Gainesville) began volunteering in FLMNH in February 2019 and began working in the CTL in the fall of 2019. Emily is specifically interested in the application of chemistry to archaeological materials, especially in island and coastal environments. She was awarded summa cum laude for her Undergraduate Honor’s Thesis in Anthropology: A Compositional Analysis of Bahamian and Caribbean Ceramics to Determine Provenance and Production Methods. She is currently working to digitize Caribbean pottery collections.
Charly Lollis (BA Anthropology 2015, UF, Gainesville), conducted an experimental replication study of St. John chalky ware pottery in the lab using swamp muck as temper for her Undergraduate Honor’s Thesis at UF. Charly graduated in 2020 from the Museum Studies MA program at George Washington University in Washington, DC. (http://florida.academia.edu/CharlyLollis)

Claudette Jazmine Lopez (BA Anthropology and Classical Studies, Classical Civilizations 2021, UF, Gainesville) began volunteering at the CTL in February 2019. She was awarded summa cum laude for her Undergraduate Honor’s Thesis in Anthropology: Investigating the Relationship of Clay Color and Its Provenance in Florida, which was conducted in the CTL. Claudette is now enrolled in the Archaeological Sciences MA program at Cambridge University.

Domenique Sorresso (PhD Anthropology, 2024, UF, Gainesville) completed her PhD in Anthropology with a concentration in Archaeology here at UF. Her research focuses on using ceramic petrography and chemical composition techniques to understand ceramic technology and provenance. She applies these methods to ceramic assemblages dating to the Mississippian period from modern-day Mississippi and Tennessee. (https://florida.academia.edu/DomeniqueSorresso).
Hannah Toombs (PhD Anthropology 2023, UF, Gainesville) completed her PhD in Anthropology and Latin American Studies here at UF. Her project focused on contemporary pottery production by the Lenca in western Honduras. In the CTL, Hannah conducted technofunctional analyses of Lenca pottery alongside archaeological pottery from the Maya site of Cerros in Belize. By comparing archaeological and modern specimens, she learned how to recognize the characteristic markers of these hand-built wares.