To see a list of publications that have resulted from FM Mammalogy specimen research, visit our Google Scholar page

Publications from FM Mammalogy staff, faculty, and students that have resulted from collections use are listed below.  Bold indicates graduate students, underlined are undergraduate students


Lawal, RA, VL Mathis, ME Barter, JR Charette, A Garretson, and BL Dumont. 2022. Taxonomic assessment of two wild house mouse subspecies using whole-genome sequencing. Scientific Reports 12: 20866.


Vannatta, JM, JA Gore, VL Mathis, and BD Carver. 2021. Eumops floridanus (Chiroptera: Molossidae). Mammalian Species 53:125-133.

Mathis, VL and DL Reed. 2021. Two new recent country records of mormoopid bats (Chiroptera: Mormoopidae) from Long Island, The Bahamas.  Florida Field Naturalist 49(1): 13-17. PDF


Potash, AD, DU Greene, VL Mathis, B Baiser, LM Conner, and RA McCleery. 2020. Ecological drivers of eastern fox squirrel pelage polymorphism. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8:119.

Potash, AD, DU Greene, GA Foursa, VL Mathis, LM Conner, and RA McCleery. 2020. A comparison of animal color measurements using a commercially available digital color sensor and photograph analysis. Current Zoology 1–14.


Mathis, VL, MS Ascunce, KG Logan-Lopez, RW DeYoung, RL Honeycutt, KV OlsonG Kassau, NJ Silvy, and DL Reed. 2017. Insights into the genetic origins of white-tailed deer on the Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay. Caribbean Naturalist. PDF

Speer, KABJ Petronio, NB Simmons, R Richey, K Magrini, JA Soto-Centeno, and DL Reed. 2017. Population structure of a widespread bat (Tadarida brasiliensis) in an island system. Ecology and Evolution 7: 7585-7598.


Speer, KA, JA Soto-Centeno, NA Albury, Z Quicksall, MG Marte, and DL Reed. 2015. Bats of the Bahamas: natural history and conservation. Bulletin of the Florida Museum of Natural History 53(3):45-95.


Marte, MG, DL Reed, and JA Soto-Centeno. 2014.  Identification of microbial diversity and potential pathogens in Bahamian caves.  Journal of Undergraduate Research 15(3):1-8.


Finn, KT, MA Criffield, DP Onorato, and DL Reed.  2013.  The impact of genetic restoration on cranial morphology of Florida panthers (Puma concolor coryi).  Journal of Mammalogy 94(5):1037-1047.

Soto-Centeno, JA, LN Barrow, JM Allen, and DL Reed. 2013.  Re-evaluation of a classic phylogeographic barrier: New techniques reveal the influence of microgeographic climate variation on population divergence.  Ecology and Evolution 3(6):1603-1613 (Open Access).


Pino, JL, MS Ascunce, DL Reed, and JP Hugot. 2012. Development and characterization of microsatellite markers for the endangered Laotian rock-rat (Laonastes aenigmamus) using 454-sequencing technology. Conservation Genetic Resources 4:999-1002.


Gonzalez, SC, JA Soto-Centeno, and DL Reed. 2011. Population distribution models: species distribution models are better modeled using biologically relevant data partitions. BMC Ecology 11:20.

Rivadeneira, CJM Allen, and DL Reed. 2011. Microsatellite loci for testing temporal changes in the population genetics of the Florida mouse (Podomys floridanus). Conservation Genetics Resources 3:135-139.


Wilkins, L, JM Allen, S Flanagin, J Coltrain, and DL Reed. 2007. Osteology as a means of assessing Florida panther health, Part I in Methods of assessing health and diet of Florida panthers (Puma concolor) using museum specimens. Florida Museum of Natural History Bulletin. 47:74-98.

Allen, JM, J Coltrain, L Wilkins, S Flanagin, and DL Reed. 2007. Stable isotope geochemistry as a means of assessing Florida Panther diet, Part II in Methods of assessing health and diet of Florida panthers (Puma concolor) using museum specimens. Florida Museum of Natural History Bulletin. 47:99-108