Geena M. Hill, M.S.
Research Biologist
Twitter: @geenacolina
Current research and work:
Based at the Florida Natural Areas Inventory (FNAI), Geena is responsible for coordinating research on at-risk butterfly species in North Central Florida. She is primarily involved in oversight of butterfly data in the Natural Heritage database, coordinating citizen scientist efforts, species status ranking, and summarizing conservation information for imperiled species with the goal to provide best management practices to land managers. Geena received a Master of Science degree in Interdisciplinary Ecology at the University of Florida and a Bachelor of Science degree in Biological Anthropology and Archaeology at Kent State University.
Previous experience:
Prior to her current role, Geena was project manager at a private environmental consulting firm in Florida. Her work included developing state and federal permits for several wetland mitigation banks, creating habitat restoration and management plans, and establishing conservation easements. As a former Daniels Lab member, she was also involved in adaptive management and conservation planning for imperiled butterflies through the Disney Conservation Fund initiative, which included collaboration with a multitude of butterfly conservation stakeholders in Florida and California. Additionally, at the Florida Museum, Geena previously assisted with digitization efforts in museum collections, workshop coordination, pollinator research and fieldwork, and bat/moth interaction research in the Kawahara Lab.
Braatz, E.Y., Gezon, Z.J., Rossetti, K., Maynard, L.T., Bremer, J., Hill, G.M., and Daniels, J.C. 2020. The Effect of Abundant and Even Blooms on Flower-Visiting Insects in Suburban Gardens. PeerJ (in review)
Hill, G.M., Kawahara, A.Y., Scheffers, B.R. 2020. Climate change and animal ecology: Lepidoptera as a case study. Biological Reviews. (in review)
Daniels, J.C., Hill, G.M., Rossetti, K.A., Sanchez, S.J., Hornfeldt, J.A., 2020. At-Risk Butterfly Captive Propagation Programs to Enhance Life History Knowledge and Effective Ex Situ Conservation Techniques. JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments) e60591.PDF
Daniels, J., Hill, G.M., Standridge, M. Evaluating the importance of roadside vegetative management for native insect pollinators. Journal of Wildlife Management. (in prep)
…Hill, G.M…(48 authors total, listed alphabetically). 2017. LepNet: The Lepidoptera of North America Network. Zootaxa Correspondence.
Zhong, M.*, Hill, G.M.*, Gomez, J.-P., Plotkin, D., Barber, J.R., Kawahara, A.Y. 2016. Quantifying wing shape
and size of saturniid moths with geometric morphometrics. Journal of the Lepidopterists’ Society 70(2):99-107. *Corresponding authors have equal contribution
Barber, J., Leavell, B.C., Keener, A.L., Breinholt, J.W., Chadwell, B.A., McClure, C.J.W., Hill, G.M., Kawahara, A.Y. 2015. Moth tails divert bat attack: Evolution of acoustic deflection. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA (PNAS) 112(9): 2812–2816.