Deptford Simple Stamped

Pottery Series or Cultural Affiliation: Deptford Series

Chronology: 800 BC – AD 700 (200 BC- AD 200 in Florida)

Culture Period: Deptford Period

Mode of Decoration: Simple Stamped

Inclusions or Temper: Quartz sand or grit

Region of Greatest Occurrence: North Florida, Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina

Type Description: Caldwell and Waring 1939a; Willey 1949; Griffin and Sears 1950

Also Known As: McLeod Simple Stamped

Deptford Simple Stamped
Deptford Simple Stamped
Deptford Simple Stamped
Deptford Simple Stamped
Deptford Cross-simple Stamped
Deptford Cross-simple Stamped
7 sherds with linear stamping
Deptford Simple Stamped
5 sherds with stamped parallel lines
Deptford Simple Stamped, aka McLeod Simple Stamped (Alabama)
3 sherds with fine stamped parallel lines
Deptford Simple Stamped rims, aka McLeod Simple Stamped (Alabama)