Orange Plain

Pottery Series or Cultural Affiliation: Orange Series

Chronology: 2500 BC- 1000 BC

Culture Period: Orange Period

Mode of Decoration: None

Inclusions or Temper: Fiber temper, often Spanish moss; occasional sponge spicules

Region of Greatest Occurrence: East Florida, St. Johns River.

Type Description: Griffin 1945; Sears and Griffin 1950a; Ferguson 1951

See Also (AKA): Stallings Island Series (Georgia)

Orange Plain (Orange series), exterior surface
Orange Plain (Orange series), exterior surface
Orange Plain (Orange series), interior surface
Orange Plain (Orange series), interior surface
Cross section of fiber-tempered sherd showing cross section of channel pores from burned out fibers
Cross section of fiber-tempered sherd showing cross section of channel pores from burned out fibers
Cross section of fiber-tempered sherd showing a few carbonized fibers
Cross section of fiber-tempered sherd showing a few carbonized fibers
Thin section view of fiber-tempered sherd showing carbonized fibers in some fiber temper voids (width of image 2.5mm; PPL, 4x)
Thin section view of fiber-tempered sherd showing carbonized fibers in some fiber temper voids (width of image 2.5mm; PPL, 4x)