Jefferson, AKA Lamar Complicated Stamped

Pottery Series or Cultural Affiliation: Mission

Chronology: AD 17th century

Culture Period: Mission period

Mode of Decoration: Complicated Stamped

Inclusions or Temper: Grog

Region of Greatest Occurrence: North Florida; South Georgia

Type Description: Kelly 1938 (Lamar); Jennings and Fairbanks 1939

Also Known As: Lamar Complicated Stamped

Jefferson AKA Lamar Complicated Stamped
Jefferson AKA Lamar Complicated Stamped
Jefferson AKA Lamar Complicated Stamped
Jefferson AKA Lamar Complicated Stamped
Jefferson AKA Lamar Complicated Stamped
Jefferson AKA Lamar Complicated Stamped
Jefferson AKA Lamar Complicated Stamped
Jefferson AKA Lamar Complicated Stamped
Jefferson-Lamar Complicated Stamped sherd with grog temper
Jefferson-Lamar Complicated Stamped sherd with grog temper
4 sherds with large complicated stamping
Lamar Complicated Stamped
6 sherds with complicated stamping and punctated or applied rims
Lamar Complicated Stamped, rims