Twitter Outtage

I drive a 16-year-old car and I know there will come a day when I get in to start the car, saying my prayers to the car gods (Tom and Ray Magliozzi), and hear the engine whir-whir-whir and fail to vroom. Fortunately, my car started this morning, but all for naught since I got to work and couldn’t get a whole lot done.

Twitter is failing to vroom today. Okay, it got going and now it keeps stalling at the lights. Social media outtages happen, and we all know computers can be cranky sometimes. But Twitter going down or sputtering along today is not awesome.

We just launched a new site for our upcoming exhibit to celebrate our 100th birthday: Rare, Beautiful & Fascinating: 100 Years @FloridaMuseum

The goal is to use the site to reveal the objects that will be in the exhibit one collection at a time. This first week is highlighting our Herbarium, and I was trying to schedule Tweets and Facebook posts about these objects for the full upcoming week. It’s more efficient that way. Plus:

  • #EndangeredSpeciesDay is today
  • UF Entomology kicks of #UFBugs Bug Week Saturday
  • Monday is #BiologicalDiversityDay
  • Tuesday is #WorldTurtleDay
  • (Oh, man! I just remembered that I missed #Butterfriday again. Yoinks!)

I know, right? The busy life of a social media science geek!

To be fair, I do use a post-scheduling tool (Hootsuite) from time to time. But I do like to see what’s trending, double check Twitter handles, etc. So when Twitter is stalled out at a light, I get a little cranky.

Well, le sigh! I’ll just click ‘refresh’ until Twitter magically reappears.