Come and see us at SEAC in Augusta, Georgia, November 14-17, 2018.  Researchers and recent alumni from the Ceramic Technology Lab and the Florida Museum will be presenting on a variety of topics.

Full conference program available here.


Thursday Morning, November 15

[2] Symposium: Practicing Pottery: Method and Theory in Southeastern Ceramic Analysis, Part I

10:40 Duke, C. Trevor, Neill J. Wallis, and Ann S. Cordell, Pots that Gather: Repositioning Ceramic Analysis in the Florida Mississippian

[3] Symposium: Finding Middle Ground: Emerging Ideas About Interior Wetlands Florida, Part I

9:00 Lawres, Nathan, Allan Bacon, and Julio Pachon, A Dirty Conundrum: Identifying Construction Sequences without Visible Stratification

11:20 LeFebvre, Michelle J., Traci Ardren, Victor D. Thompson, Scott M. Fitzpatrick, Matthew Napolitano, and Philippa Jorissen, The Matecumbe Chiefdom Project: Historical Ecology, Political Economy, and Pre-Columbian Maritime Exploitation in the Florida Keys

[4] Symposium: Ongoing Research on St. Catherines Island, GA

9:00 Ruhl, Donna L., Opportunistic Foraging or Enhancing Landscapes: An Effort to Assess the Paleoethnobotany of St. Catherines Island Archaic Period Islanders

9:20 Sanger, Matthew, and Ginessa Mahar, Landscapes of Reverence: Surveys around the St. Catherines Island Shell Rings

[7] Symposium: Ancient Modalities of the Northern Gulf Coast of Florida: Recent Results of the Lower Suwannee Archaeological Survey

9:00 Sassaman, Kenneth E., Meggan E. Blessing, Joshua M. Goodwin, Jessica A. Jenkins, Anthony Boucher, Terry M. Barbour, II, Ginessa J. Mahar, and Mark C. Donop, Ritual Economies of Cosmic Synchronicity: Solstice Events at a Civic- Ceremonial Center on the Northern Gulf Coast of Florida


Thursday Afternoon, November 15

[13] Symposium: Practicing Pottery: Method and Theory in Southeastern Ceramic Analysis, Part II

1:20 Wallis, Neill, Ann Cordell, and Thomas Pluckhahn, Integrated Analyses of Swift Creek Complicated Stamped Pottery and the Challenges of Sourcing Research

[14] Symposium: Finding Middle Ground: Emerging Ideas About Interior Wetlands Florida, Part II

1:20 Rock, Carolyn, Meggan Blessing, Nicole Cannarozzi, Arlene Fradkin, Michelle LeFebvre, and Bruce Manzano, Reptiles Rule: Patterns of Prehistoric Consumption in the Interior of Southern Florida

2:40 Cordell, Ann, and Lindsay Bloch, St. Johns Chalky-Ware Pottery: a Florida Pottery Tradition

[17] General Session: Historic Period Research, Part II

Chair: Lindsay Bloch

1:20 Bloch, Lindsay, An Elemental Analysis of Thomas Chandler’s Alkaline-Glazed Stoneware from the Old Edgefield District, SC

[21] Poster General Session: Zooarchaeological Research, 3:00pm – 5:00pm

Mahar, Ginessa J., Developing Allometric Equations: From Ocean to Equation


Friday Morning, November 16

[27] General Session: Shell-Bearing Site & Shell Artifact Research

9:20 Lulewicz, Isabelle, Victor Thompson, William Marquardt, and Karen Walker, A Bayesian Perspective on Socio-Ecological Dynamics at the Pineland Site Complex (8LL33, etc.), Gulf Coast Florida

9:40 Thompson, Victor, William Marquardt, Karen Walker, Isabelle Lulewicz, Mike Savarese, Lee Newsom, Amanda Roberts Thompson, and Nathan Lawres, The Chronology and Construction of Water Courts at Mound Key, Capital of the Calusa Kingdom

[31] General Session: Historic Period Native American Studies

10:20 Skipton, Tara, and Matthew Rooney, Charity Hall: A Pre-Removal Chickasaw Mission in Eastern Mississippi


Saturday Morning, November 17

[44] General Session: Zooarchaeology and Paleoethnobotany

11:40 Jackson, Kendal, Thomas Pluckhahn, and C. Trevor Duke, Fisher Folk and Wetland Foragers: A Multi-Proxy Study of Coastal Wetland Plant Use at the Crystal River Site (8CI1), Florida