Cetopsis coecutiens
Cetopsis coecutiens
Photo by Britt Griswold
Reproduced from Vari, Ferraris and de Pinna (2005).

Cetopsis Spix & Agassiz, 1829

The combination of the absence of a spinelet associated with the dorsal fin, the absence of spines on the dorsal and pectoral fins, and the possession of a single row of teeth on the vomer distinguishes Cetopsisfrom the other genera in the Cetopsinae.


1. Species found only west of the Andes, including the Maracaibo Lake basin 2
Species found east of the Andes Mountains 7
2. Distal margins of pectoral and anal fins with distinct, dark pigmentation Cetopsis fimbriata
Distal margins of pectoral and anal fins lacking dark pigmentation 3
3. Caudal fin darkly pigmented throughout other than for narrow, pale, distal margin Cetopsis motatanensis
Caudal fin not darkly pigmented 4
4. Mouth moderate, its width much less than one-half of HL and approximately equal to distance from tip of snout to posterior margin of orbit Cetopsis othonops
Mouth wide, its width equal to approximately one-half of HL 5
5. Branched anal-fin rays 20 to 22 Cetopsis baudoensis
Branched anal-fin rays 23 or more 8
6. Anal-fin origin located approximately at vertical through middle of SL and distinctly anterior of middle of TL; 8, rarely 9, pectoral-fin rays; 29 to 33 total anal-fin rays Cetopsis amphiloxa
Anal-fin origin located distinctly posterior of vertical through middle of SL and approximately at middle of TL; 9 pectoral-fin rays; 28 total anal-fin rays Cetopsis jurubidae
7. Eyes absent; filaments on fist rays of dorsal and pectoral fins extremely elongate; first dorsal-fin ray longer than 0.50 of SL; first pectoral-fin ray extending posteriorly to beyond vertical through middle of base of anal fin; body length less than 36 mm SL Cetopsis oliveirai
Eyes present and always obvious to some degree; filaments on first rays of dorsal and pectoral absent or only moderately-developed; body length of adults distinctly greater than 36 mm SL 8
8. Posterior nares in form of transverse slit; medial margins of contralateral nares separated by distance distinctly less than one-half of distance between contralateral anterior nares Cetopsis coecutiens
Posterior nares rounded; medial margins of contralateral nares separated by distance slightly less than distance between contralateral anterior nares 9
9. Teeth on dentary, premaxilla, and vomer incisiform and in arranged in single rows Cetopsis candiru
Teeth on dentary, premaxilla, and vomer conical with multiple tooth rows on premaxilla and usually with multiple tooth rows on dentary 10
10. Base of caudal fin with posteriorly-rounded, variably-developed, bilobed patch of dark pigmentation 11
Base of caudal fin without posteriorly-rounded, variably-developed, bilobed patch of dark pigmentation 16
11. Dark pigmentation on sides of body only in form of very small, spots Cetopsis pearsoni
Dark pigmentation on sides of body with eye-size, or larger, dark spots 12
12. Dark pigmentation on sides of body limited to eye-size spots Cetopsis montana
Dark pigmentation on sides of body consisting of both eye-size, or larger, spots and very small spots 13
13. Caudal fin dusky overall with numerous, dark chromatophores extending nearly to posterior margin of fin; dorsal fin with distinct spot of dark pigmentation basally; dorsal fin with dark pigmentation present on first interradial membrane 14
Caudal fin pale other than for dark basal pigmentation, with few scattered, dark chromatophores posterior of dark bilobed basal spot; dorsal fin pale or if dark pigmentation present then not forming distinct basal spot; dorsal fin without dark pigmentation on first interradial membrane 15
14. Distinct demarcation present between dark pigmentation on dorsal and dorsolateral surfaces of body versus more ventral regions; dark spots of eye-size or larger limited to portion of lateral surface of body dorsal of horizontal through ventral margin of caudal peduncle Cetopsis arcana
No distinct demarcation present between dark pigmentation on dorsal and dorsolateral surfaces of body versus more ventral regions; dark spots of eye-size or larger dark present on ventrolateral surfaces of body below horizontal through ventral margin of caudal peduncle Cetopsis sandrae
15. Dark pigmentation on body extending onto base of anal-fin rays; 21 branched anal-fin rays Cetopsis umbrosa
Dark pigmentation on body not extending onto base of anal-fin rays; 22 or 23 branched anal-fin rays Cetopsis starnesi
16. Dark humeral spot present 17
Dark humeral spot absent 20
17. Pectoral fin darkly pigmented except along distal margin Cetopsis parma
Pectoral fin pale 18
18. Body with eye-size or larger, dark spots at least on dorsal surface; caudal fin with dark pigmentation extending nearly to distal margin Cetopsis orinoco
Body lacking eye-size or larger, dark spots at least on dorsal surface; caudal fin lacking dark pigmentation on rays 19
19. Pectoral-fin rays 8; branched anal-fin rays 18 Cetopsis caiapo
Pectoral-fin rays 9; branched anal-fin rays 21 Cetopsis sarcodes
20. Anterior and lateral surfaces of snout without dark pigmentation; dorsal fin with dark semicircular spot basally and remainder of fin pale Cetopsis gobioides
Anterior and lateral surfaces of snout with dark pigmentation; dorsal fin with extensive distribution of dark pigmentation across fin; first dorsal-fin ray darkly pigmented Cetopsis plumbea